Home Behavior 11 things your cat wants from you

11 things your cat wants from you

your cat is bored

Does your cat ever just sit there and gaze at you? Is it possible that they are attempting to communicate with you through telepathy about some aspect of their illness and well-being?

Trying to decipher what they’re thinking at any one moment is nearly impossible, right? So it turns out they’re not attempting to be a pain in the neck! It’s safe to say your cat has quite a few things she’d like to share with you.

Cat health experts believe that the following could be the cases:

I need to scratch!

Many people believe that cats need a lot of scratching to keep their claws in good shape. They’re using their smell glands in their claws to claim their territory, which is why they’re getting their nails done. Scratching posts should be placed in areas where your cat can spread out and let off the scent. To select the best scratching surface for your cat, you may have to experiment.

Need a place to relax

When a cat feels threatened, he or she is more likely to hide. With their own private space, they may relax away from the commotion of living with human companions. Ensure that they have plenty of places to hunker down, such as covered carriers, boxes, or a cozy closet full of blankets.

I’m still a hunter. Aren’t you aware of that?

your cat is still a hunter

To survive, cats need to be constantly on the lookout for prey. Using toys that can be jumped on and flung in the air to replicate the chase will keep them from becoming bored. Consider hiding dry food in store-bought serving balls to make it look like they’re hunting for it. Happy cats are busy cats.

I want to enjoy it!

There should be safe outside areas for cats if possible. Cats need fresh air and a safe location to view birds, so enclosed patios are a great solution. Make sure your cat has at least one room with a view, or if you’re patient and brave, you can take them for an outdoor walk on a leash.

Please keep your voices to yourself.

Cats have exceptional hearing, which they developed as a result of their evolutionary history as hunters. As a result, mice and rats’ ultrasonic chit-chat can be heard by them, which we can’t hear. Because of this, loud noises can frighten them.

Please raise me to a higher position

Cats prefer perches at a height to keep a close eye on their surroundings. In addition, it provides individuals with a sense of security and empowers them to exert authority over their territory. So make sure your cat has access to some high space in your home. Your pet will be grateful.

Keep your criticisms to yourself in the event of an accident

If your cat is pooping or peeing outside the litter box, it may be due to a dirty litter box or the use of scented litter that your cat dislikes. On the other hand, indiscretions in the bathroom could indicate a medical condition, such as kidney illness, type 2 diabetes, or even arthritis. If your cat’s accidents are becoming more regular, you should take him to the vet to rule out any underlying health issues.

She assumes you’re a cat.

Your cat is just as clueless as you are when it comes to communicating with you. She’s so awful at identifying you that she has no idea you’re human. Aside from the obvious differences in how dogs and cats approach each other, there isn’t much difference in the way cats and other felines treat people. Because of this, some specialists have determined that we are simply large cats.

She is bored

your cat is bored

Cats become bored if they do not receive enough physical and mental stimulation (as well as your undivided attention). And because they don’t have smartphones, they resort to over-grooming, over-eating, or destroying your furniture to keep themselves amused. So get down on the floor and play with your cat a few times a week to keep things interesting.

Meat is my primary source of nutrition.

Cats are compulsive carnivores, which means they must eat meat regularly to stay healthy. As a rule, carnivores need a lot more protein than omnivores. As a result, most of the wheat and carbohydrates that our domesticated cats eat come from the animals they eat.

I love running water

I love running water cat licking water

If you own a cat, you’re well aware that they will try to drink water from running fountains whenever the opportunity arises. Fortunately, numerous drinking fountains are created just for cats, ensuring that they always have access to fresh, cool running water.

Some cat kinds, believe it or not, enjoy playing in the water. Fill the tub or a small pool with some inches of water during your cat’s playtime if she enjoys splashing around. On very hot days, this activity will allow her to get some exercise and cool off.


Meow can be a sign of contentment, but it can also signify that your cat is in discomfort, scared, or just trying to get your attention. Even when they’re unhappy or in need of something, people will grin.

On the other hand, purring might signify a wide range of internal conditions. You may learn a lot about your cat’s mood by paying attention to their posture and stress while they’re purring.


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