Home Pawsome Petting Your Dog Before Leaving: A Simple, Yet Effective Way to Bond

Petting Your Dog Before Leaving: A Simple, Yet Effective Way to Bond

Petting Your Dog Before Leaving: A Simple, Yet Effective Way to Bond
image source: Shutterstock.com / asia.marangio

A dog has the purest love for everything in its world. They don’t differentiate whether that thing or person is good or bad for them. They see things as one big happy family, and nothing can break their trust in us. That is why preparing your dog for when you leave is so important. Petting your dog before leaving will help prepare them for when you’re not home and make sure that the two of you have a great stay wherever you may be.

What to do before you leave

Before you leave, ensure you and your dog are ready for when you’re not around. You will want to start by getting your dog used to being in your absence. Whether you’re gone for a few hours or days, you need to ensure your dog is comfortable with your absence. Start by keeping your dog out of its kennel while you’re not home. Your dog may be used to sleeping in their kennel while you’re away, but it is also important to have them spend time out of it. If your dog is used to sleeping in your bed, make sure to take that away for a few days until you can get your dog used to being away from it. This will ensure that your dog is comfortable with you being away from them.

Why it’s so important to pet your dog when you’re leaving

There are several reasons why petting your dog when you’re leaving is important. First and foremost, it will help your dog to be comfortable with your absence. Your dog will be used to you being around and will start to become anxious when you’re not there. This will only lead to unwanted behavior, like chewing, digging, and even destructive behavior. Petting your dog when you’re leaving will help to soothe your dog during this time and allow them to get used to your absence. This will make your trip back home a lot less stressful for your dog, and they will be able to relax and enjoy their stay at home just a little more.

Petting your dog when you’re leaving will also allow you to bond with your dog while you’re away. This is especially important for long-term separations. When you first start leaving for work, school, or daycare, your dog will be able to bond better with you because there is a lot of activity in your household. When you leave, your home has a lot of action, but your dog will be used to it. As time goes on, your dog will only be able to bond with you when there is plenty of activity in your household, like when you are at work or school. This will cause your dog a lot of stress, so it is important to pet them while you’re away.