Home Pets & Animals Cats Are dogs better than cats? Let’s look at the reasons that they...

Are dogs better than cats? Let’s look at the reasons that they are

There has always been this divergence of opinion between dogs and cats. Some of us are great lovers of dogs, others are great lovers of cats, and there are often disputes about who is better. Dogs or cats?

Are Dogs Better Than Cats? Let’s Look At The Reasons That They Are

If you are a cat person, you will be offended by reading this article. That is because the fact of the matter is, there are many reasons that dogs are better than cats. That does not mean your furry feline friend is useless at all, as you love your cat and that is all that matters. However, there are several scientific reasons that dogs are better than cats, and it has nothing to do with anyone being biased at all. Let’s go over the scientific reasons why dogs are better than cats.


7. You Don’t Have To Worry About Cleaning Litter Boxes

Yes. It takes time to housebreak a puppy the way it takes time to litter train a cat. And even once the dog knows that their potty is outside, they can have accidents, but so can cats. Your pets are not perfect regardless of whether you have a dog or a cat. However, most of the one, once the puppy is trained to pee or poop outside, they will. When you have a cat, you have to deal with cleaning out litter boxes and kitty litter is not cheap. Not to mention, your cat can track it all over the home or apartment. Sure, you still have to clean up the mess that the dog leaves outside, but at the same time, you keep it outside and there is no need to bring it in.
